Climate change is currently the most significant problem that humanity must find solutions for. But what is climate change exactly, and how does our way of life relate to it? In this article, we […]
To make it easier for households and businesses to decide on a solar installation and determine if it is worth investing in, Google has developed an in-house Solar API for Google Maps. An API […]
Germany has surpassed its solar expansion target for 2023. Already in August 2023, the expansion goal of nine gigawatts was achieved. By the end of October, an additional eleven gigawatts of capacity had been […]
Volkswagen has already announced plans to invest around 120 billion euros in electromobility and digitalization by 2027. The CEO of the Wolfsburg-based conglomerate is also convinced that electromobility will soon surpass conventional internal combustion […]
German Minister of Economic Affairs, Habeck, is currently on a trip to Africa. In southern Namibia, the focus is on a key energy source of the future: green hydrogen. The country offers enormous potential […]
The German Expert Committee on Climate Change comes to a sobering realization in its latest report. If the federal government remains on its current course of emissions reduction, the climate targets for 2030 will […]
Winter is coming, and people in Europe are increasingly feeling the effects of the gas crisis in the form of rising electricity and gas prices. At the same time, the generation of electricity from […]