Getting a Good Start from the Beginning
aoty supports young individuals in the transition from school to training or employment. The goal is to identify skills and interests through targeted counseling of young people and, based on that, find a suitable career path.
In the field of professional development, individual counseling and support, as well as application coaching and assistance in the application process with employers, are included.
1. Individual Counseling
Through individual counseling in detailed one-on-one sessions, young people and young adults are supported both before and during their training.
The counseling sessions cover areas such as assistance with challenges in vocational schools, exam preparation, guidance on dealing with authorities, support in improving grades, conflict management in the training company, and personal problem-solving in crisis situations.
2. Application Coaching
Our application coaching is aimed at young people and adults aged 16 to 27. Within our counseling sessions, young adults learn which career paths are most suitable for them and how the transition from school to these paths can be best achieved.
The goal is sustainable integration into the labor market. Within the application coaching, individual application documents are revised together, and questions about educational and professional development opportunities are answered.
3. Get ready! Preparation for the Labor Market for Youth with a Migration Background
Our Get-ready program is designed for job seekers and employees with a migration background who want to enhance their skills in flexibility, creativity, communication, and teamwork to better participate in the labor market.
Our professionals support with specific training, qualification opportunities, mentorship programs, and working groups for exchange. The goal of the program is to provide occupationally qualified migrants with information about the local job market due to the lack of recognition of professional qualifications and knowledge and to break down language barriers.
Successful integration through our labor market integration concept